Sunday, November 20, 2011

Perangai Anak Ku Zoey [ Berumur 0 hingga 2 tahun]

Coretan ini hanyalah untuk merakamkan semua kenangan indah dalam membesarkan anak-anak ku Zoey dan Ryan. Setiap anak mempunyai perangai yang tersendiri dan setiap perlakuannya ku rakamkan di blog ini untuk rekod di masa hadapan.

Zoey - semasa melahirkannya, Mummy terpaksa melalui secara "induce". Mummy masuk ke hospital DEMC, Shah Alam di bawah peyeliaan Datuk Dr Norleen Saleh.  Mummy dimasukkan ke wad bilik 503 hospital tersebut dan Daddy dan Mummy kena bermalam di bilik dan keesokan harinya bila dibuat pemeriksaan hanya 3 cm pembukaan pangakal rahim.  Setelah Dr Norleen memecah air mentuban dan menambahkan ubat unutk merangsang kontraksi dan pembukaan pangkal rahim, progres amat perlahaan.  Pada pukul hanya 5cm terbuka.  Mummy cuba tidak mengambil "epedural" untuk merasai sendiri bagaiman rasanya 'labour pain".  Walau bagaimanapun, kesakitan semasa kontraksi yang melampau, Mummy setuju atas cadangan Dr Illyas [Anest ni dah meninggal dunia - kemalangan jalan raya] Pada pukul 3.30pm mummy ditolak ke bilik bersalin di bawah seliaan 'mid-wife' Kak Mariam [Kak Yam].  Pembukaan pangkal rahim hanya mencapai 9cm, Daddy sendiri telah melihat dan merasa dengan jari rambut dan bahagian kepala atas baby Zoey; oleh kerana terlalu lama dan keadaan pusat baby terbelit maka Mummy terpaksa melalui proses "caesarean" untuk mengeluarkan Zoey.  Alhamdullilah Zoey selamat dilahirkan pada jam 7.46pm. Pak Ngah telah mengazan dan mengkamat kan dan mentahmid Zoey dengan kurma Nabi dan air zam-zam. Kemudian diiikuti dengan Atuk Abah dan Daddy sendiri.  "Placenta" ditanam oleh Atuk Abah atas penyeliaan Pak Ngah di rumah Mak Ngah di Puchong bahagian hadapan sebelah kanan berdekatan dengan pokok mangga.    Petua keluarga, semasa menanam uri selain asam, limau, paku dan garam juga dimasukkan pensil atas harapan anak yang dilahirkan ittu menjadi seorang yang pandai [wallahualam]

Semasa kecil, Zoey seorang baby yang amat baik, kurang menangis kecuali ketika lapar dan basah. Kuat menetek dan suka menghisap susu direct dpd Mummy.  Atuk Mama mempunyai masalah untuk menjaga Zoey terutama setiap hari isnin, Zoey enggan minum susu melalui botol. Satu peristiwa berlaku ketika Zoey umur 6 bulan,  kami pergi bercuti ke Kuching Serawak, dan sebaik pulang daripada Sarawak, Zoey enggan minum melalui botol sehingga Atuk Mama terpakasa menyuapkan susu dengan mengunakan sudu.  Apa lagi kena marahlah kami berdua.

Bermula daripada Zoey dalam kandungan lagi Mummy dan Daddy telah cuba merangsang minda Zoey dengan membaca al-Quran [alhamdullilah semasa mengandungkan Zoey, Mummy sempat habis 27 juzuk] dan Daddy membaca tafsir setiap malam.  Kamu juga mendedahkan Zoey kepada muzik klasik mozzart dan benthoven [untuk anak pandai dalam matematik] malah semasa dihairkan sehingga berumur 6 bulan, kami selalu sitimulatekan minda Zoey dengan warna RBW [red, black dan White]. 

Terdapat juga kesukaran pada Zoey untuk belajar bercakap, daripada umur 8 bulan hingga 1 tahun 4 bulan, Zoey hanya tahu menyebut satu perkataan sahaja iaitu bird..bila ditanya..wahat is your name ?..jawapanyan bird.  how old are you ? still the answer is bird. [When Zoey was a baby, Daddy bought one artificial censor bird -which any movement or sound censored, the bird will come out with bird chirping sound]. Alhamdullilah by age 1 year 6 mnth, Zoey started talking and by age 1 years 8 months he able to recognise roman letters and by age 2 years, Zoey able to read.

We enrolled Zoey to one pre kinder school in Subang Parade, Subang Jaya - Thumbe Totts. This place has thought Zoey to play and learn based on UK syllabus. One of Zoey prominent intelligibleness - at age of 2 years he able to operate, on and shut down computer properly.

Zoey started crawling at age of 7 months but only able to walk at age 1 year 3 months only.  He dislike home made cooking food, Atuk Mammy had many times tried to feed him with porridge but he vomited.  He only ate food like cereals and flakes only until age of 3 years old.  Zoey is fully breast feed until age 11 months and started with formula milk only after that age.   to be continued...

Ryan - cermelang dlm Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 1

Alhamdullilah syukur kepada kehadrat Allah SWT atas limpahan rahmat dan keberkatannya - anak manja kami - Ryan mendapat keputusan yang cermelang dalam peperiksaan akhir tahun 1. Pada awal tahun Ryan mempunyai masalah yang besar dalam subjek Bahasa Malaysia terutama Bahagian Pemahaman.  Peperiksaan pertengahan semester 1, Ryan hanya mendapat 87% untuk Penulisan manakala 68% untuk Pemahaman. Pencapaian Ryan dalam subjek Bahasa Malaysia semakin meningkat atas usaha Ryan dan kami hanya membantu dalam beliau dalam subjek tersebut.  Pada peperiksaan akhir semester 1, Ryan telah mendaat 100% dalam Penulisan dan 85% untuk Pemahaman.  Akhirnya dalam peperksaan akhir tahun Ryan berjaya mendapat 98% untuk Penulisan dan 87% untuk Pemahaman.  Syabas anakku..

Ryan telah dapat mengekalkan 100% pencapaian dalam subjek Sains yang mana dalam peperiksaan semester 1 dan akhir tahun, Ryan masih mengekalkan prestasi yang sama sehingga dianugerahkan Pelajar terbaik dalam subjek Sains.

Bagi subjek Bahasa Inggeris, Ryan tiada masalah yang mana sentiasa mengekalkan prestasi yang tinggi iaitu pada akhir tahun, Ryan mendapat 98%.  Begitu juga dalam subjek Matematik, 97%.

Ryan juga mendapat A bagi subjek Seni Lukis dan Muzik, manakala bagi subjek Mandrin dia mendapat 81% dan Agama Islam 68%.

Dalam konsert akhir tahun dan Penyampaian hadiah, pada 17/11/2011 - Ryan telah dianugerahkan dengan 3 Anugerah - Award mendapat 5A dalam semua subjek teras [subjek UPSR], pelajar terbaik bagi subjek Sains dan Pelajar mendapat peningkatan terbaik bagi subjek Bahasa Malaysia Penulisan.

Bagi konsert - Ryan mengambil bahagian dalam persembahaan "Dancing in the Garden".   Syabas anak ku..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha 2011

Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan selamat hari raya korban kepada semua kaum keluarga dan sanak saudara serta semua kakitangan Azam Idzham Azman & Partners Pejabat Shah Alam dan di Kuala Lumpur.  Stay cool...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zoey & Sofiya

Dear Family Bloggers

My eldest son, Zoey is just 9 years old. But he is very close with his classmate, a girl name of Sofiya.  Actually they were a classmate when they were in primary 1 and 2 and later in primary 3 and 4 both of them went to different classes.

Zoey is very close to Sofiya since both of them had joined a choir class when they were in primary 1 and 2.  When Zoey aged 7 years old, he was invited to Sofiya 8th birthday at Kids Sport, Great Eastern Ampang. Thera was incident whereby a family of Sofiya teased Zoey and Sofiya for the relationship and  specially Sofia's brother Arif Zarin.

Later this year, my family and Sofiya's family getting closer and happen about in August, 2011 we had a late lunch together and Sofiya's father Rizal Zarin has informed to Zoey that he was the first boy Sofiya kiss and Zoey was quite embarrassed and retaliated by saying that was untrue and was a lie.

In October, 2011 - Zoey had invited Sofiya to join him to Ryan Stella Marris family day.  We have collected Sofiya from her house in Sering Ukay and we spend time together and later in the evening we had coffee at Sofiya house with her family.

Rizal and Aliza are a very kind person and both of them seem like Zoey very much.  Even Sofiya's father has mentioned that we gave them another 5 years and the relationship might change no longer only a friend but might turn to a special friend. 

To Zoey - Daddy has no problem with the relationship and the rest may Allah has written in Uhlul Mahfuz...just wait and see.....

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ryan fell at school

Dear Family Bloggers

My lovely Ryan fell at school on 14/10/2011.  He only informed us on Saturday 15/10/2011 before swimming class started.  He complained that his head at the back spot which closer to neck was painful and once we pressed it hurt and really pain.  He told that he fell backward and the floor was slippery.

Kak Anis after examined Ryan duly confirmed that nothing serious but on Monday morning he still complaining on the same matter and refused to go to school.  We have taken him to meet Dr Ong and after examined thoroughly the said Dr duly satisfied he has no injury internally saved for neck muscle sprain and might after a few more day he will recover fully.. Thanks to careful my son.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Zoey and Ryan a naughty boys

Dear Family Bloggers

1. My 2 sons are growing and getting naughty and active.
2. Looking their past record in school, several  complaints from school teacher;then we have decided to check and look, how the children at their age are behave and communicate as well as playing together without parents supervision
3. Then, today we have attended Friday prayer at Bukit Jelutong Mosque and we knew that on the second floor is the place where all Bukit Jelutong boys are praying.
4. We saw and observed that, the children at age under 12 are very active and difficult to sit still and quite.
5. Many children communicative like fighting and steeping steps even behave like a wrestlers..then..our 2 boys at home are such a normal person.......needs lot of guidance and supervision....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Zoey has to change school

Dear bloggers
1. After Sayfol International School increased a school fees, we have decided to move Zoey to Stella Maris Primary School.
2. The increment was too high and we are could not afford to pay and to let Zoey to continue he's study in Sayfol.
3. We have decided after taking several factors:
3.1. Primary 5 latest fee is equivalent to old fee for form 5 stage.
3.2. yearly fee keep increasing and we cannot move Zoey now later it is to late and difficult for him to make an adjustment,
4. On the other hand, we also quite sad after looking at Zoey performance in Sayfol and his current achievement of him i.e age 9 already in a Primary 5.
5. He will goes to Primary 4 in Stella Maris since Stella Maris has to follow Kementerian Pendidikan ruling set by the Government which the class shall according to age of pupil. Since Zoey is going 10 years old next year so he has to go to primary 4.
6. His best friend who is joining him to Stella Maris, Sofia is going to primary 5 since she is 11 years old next year.

Sorry Zoey, that only Daddy can afford and try your best and we know you can do it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Zoey - membuli rakan sekelas semasa dalam darjah 4 - penggal ke 3

Semasa mengambil 'report book' penggal 3 - kami telah menerima aduan daripada guru kelas Ms Chandra mengenai perlakuan Zoey yang telah membuli rakan sekelas.

1. Mencucuk hujung pensil kepada seorang budak korea;
2. Meletakkan glu dibaju rakan sehingga melekat di kerusi.

Anak-anak ku mengapa berlaku begini...behave my son.

Ryan - tumbuk kawan di sekolah

Dear Family blogers

6/10/2011 - terima telefon daripada Yan yang mana dia mendapat panggilan daripada pentadbir Sekolah Stella Maris - Ms Lucy bahawa Ryan telah menumbuk seorang budak lelaki satu kelas Chuan Seng sehingga gigi depan gugur dan berdarah.  Ayah kepada Chuan Seng telah datang ke sekolah membuat aduan tentang kecederaan anaknya. Setelah menelefon kepada pihak sekolah didapati kawanya menunjukkan "middle finger" yang mana simbol lucah dan tidak digemari oleh beliau.  Ryan telah memohon maaf pada Chuan Seng sambil menangis dan berjanji tidak akan mengulangi lagi.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Marah pada anak-anak

Dear family blogers

On 26/9/2011 about 7.10 pm my two sons had a big fight in the bath tub. Zoey sprayed a hot water into Ryan eyes and they have very cruel fight in the bath tub.  Daddy heard a sound of noise that they were fighting from down stairs and Daddy shouted many times to them to stop but they just ignored my warning.

Daddy have to slap Zoey with bath a towel 2 times on his back and used my hand one time.  Daddy had  tried to control daddy's anger but daddy believe that Zoey retaliation to Ryan was to much and daddy already warned and cautioned you, Zoey and told you not to play with hot water even daddy gave him a demonstration how to handle the water heater correctly.

Zoey cried loudly and later asked for forgiven and me as a father, would like to write in this blog as a record to my sons specially Zoey that Daddy did it just to make them aware and don not repeat. Daddy would like to say sorry if daddy action taken on both of you to overzealous and to hard to both of you.

Zoey - Daddy could not slept well the whole night and kept hugged and kissed you and even though you are such a good boy but you have bare in your mind that anything you do - there is a limit and please don't cross the limit.

Finally to my eldest son, Zoey, Daddy would like to express my deep love and care and to my younger son, Ryan, Daddy love you so much,

Be a good boy my sons.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zoey completed 1 month fasting for 2011

Congratulation my son, finally you managed to complete one month of fasting for this year ramadhan. Actually it is quite though to fast at your age. I believe when I was at you age still learning to fast.

Well, you also managed to perform tarawikh prayer and all compulsory prayer. Bravo my son. Daddy love you o much.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ryan Lost His School Shoes

Dear Bloger

This posting just to record the incident happen on my lovely youngest son Ryan. He lost his school shoes after music class at Stella Maris.  We understand that he is one of kind boy how know to keep his thing and his stuff intact and very tidy.  After came out from music class he could not find  his school shoes and he did not like to take other people shoes and left has no option since only one shoes still left without owner.  He sat on stair and keep crying until Atuk mama found him.

First instance, he did not say any word when asked and later after been given with chicken and drink only he told his grand mother of his problem.  He love his shoes and scare been scolded.  It is OK my Ryan...bad thing do happen and Daddy had returned the shoes to school office and hope school could find Ryan's shoes again.

Ryan - there are 2 qualities Daddy love you so much:-

1. Do not takes other when you lost one;
2. you know how to take care your stuff...

Bravo my child...

Learning to fast of Ramadhan

Dear Bloger

Today 4/8/2011 is 4th day of Ramadhan and its mean my eldest boy, Zoey has completed 3 day of fasting and still continue and very determine to complete whole one month of fasting. Bravo my boy. Zoey fisrt day of fasting was quite challenging and kept complaining that he is hungry and thirsty.  His grandmother kept his going and alhamdullilah he had completed his first day successfully.

On the second day, he did very weird thing...hugging fridge ..he cannot stand looking at chill drink in the fridge and near to breaking fast ..we have to get him to keep going and completed. On the same time too - it is quite though to awake him to wake up for supper [sahor]. We have to tell him all good quality of him be a muslim boy and to promise him another additional reward of RM200 for completion of one month fasting.

Bravo my boy...keep it a good muslim boy and learn how difficult a life is if we out of food and the life of poor guy...   

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ryan 1st Semester Final Result

Dear Bloger

We just collected Ryan Report Book for his performance in last semester 1 exam in year 2011.  Actually Ryan performance is quite fair.  He got 100% for science and English Spelling, 88% for English, 90% for Ejaan, 84% for Penulisan and 60% for Kefahaman.  He failed in Mandarin (18%) and 41% for Agama Islam.
As before, teacher still complaining that Ryan seldom talk in class.  We try our best to help him and to encourage him to talk in class but he said he feel nervous to talk in Malay since many subjects are been taught in Malay...try hard can do it....

My Wife - Outstation for 1 week Freser Hill

It is quite hard for me to juggle between doing house work and have to go to work at the same time.  A part from taking care my 2 heroes, I have to prepare them to school, homework as well taking care the house.  Normally, house chore is taken care by me and monitoring our children we have divided i.e I'm taking care Zoey and my wife is taking care Ryan.  After 10 years of marriage, then  I have realized that marriage is about sharing everything and give and take...I cannot stand doing thing alone without my lovely wife..I love you my wife...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teach Ryan to Speak Malay

Dear Blogger

We having a problem to teach my son Ryan to speak in Malay.  Ryan is currently in Primary 1S in Stella Maris Primary School.  We have to try hard since there are quite numbers of subject been taught in Malay even though the school is a private school.  Anyway as a Malaysian he has to learn Malay and to converse in Malay as well. Last 1 Semester exam he only got 60% for kefahaman and 84 for Penulisan.  On the same time Ryan also having a trouble in his Mandarin and only obtained 18% in that subject.

Correngation prayer with family

Dear Blogers

After while we stop to pray in corrugation with family members since everybody is busy during Maghreb time.  As a father I try to give the best to my family and has to lead  them specially in preaching of Islam.  I'm very glad that since last week we are able to pray together and and performed Solat Hajat for Zoey's final exam...On the same time to to guide Ryan how to pray and the ritual as well the correct reciting....Thanks my family

Azman 1/7/2011 11.20 am

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gigi depan Ryan - tanggal/gugur

Akhirnya  gigi depan Ryan dibahagian depan atas, tertanggal semasa sedang makan maggie mee.Ryan looks not's ok my is part of growing.....28/6/2011

Zoey exam 28/6/2011

Dah masuk minggu ke dua mengawasi zoey untuk menghadapi peperiksaan penggal 3 bagi tahun 4.  Hati ini berharap Zoey lulus dengan cermelang.  Ketika blog ni sedang tulis, Zoey sedang mentelaah subjek Bahasa Malaysia....Good Luck my lovely son..all the best...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Perangai Zoey

Hari khamis yang lepas Mummy dapat phone call daripada Sekolah Zoey, yang mana Ms Chandra, Zoey class teacher complaining Zoey tak buat kerja sekolah hampir 3 minggu berturut-turut. Isnin 120/1/2011, Daddy dan Mummy apply cuti untuk berjumpa pihak sekolah. Ms Chandra beritahu Zoey tidak fokus dalam kelas, buli kawan sebelahnya dengan memcucuk pencil ke budak tersebut. Dia juga menyapu gam ke baju kawan.

He is over confident. Walaupun dia nakal tetapi dia lah murid yang paling pandai dan harapan cikgu.

Zoey......kamu jangan nakal sangat, semua orang sayang kamu.  daddy harap suatu hari nanti kamu akan membaca blog ni dan Daddy merekodkan perlakuan kamu.

Azman 22/6/2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anak Giler main PSP & PS

Anak-anak ku Zoey & Ryan

Kepada anak-anak ku..Daddy lihat kamu sentiasa menghabiskan masa yang bayak bermain dengan PSP dan PS.  Masa kau peruntukkan tidak seimbang dengan masa untuk membaca, berlatih piano, mengaji al-quran.  Kamu nampaknya leka dengan mainan tersebut.

Permintaan Daddy amat mudah...15 minit sahaja bermain piano, 1 jam membaca buku, 2 jam bermain dan selebihnaya kamu habiskanlah dengan dipenuhi aktiviti manusia biasa.....

Daddy tulis sebagai satu rekod rujukan kamu di masa hadapan....

Azman Mohamed

Monday, April 11, 2011

Move to New Home

Dear Bloger

we are very excited to move to new home....after 6 months waiting finally the day is coming.  For the past one month we are very busy clean up the house...but today house dirty again...for minor repair...

Report Book - Meeting with children's teachers

Dear Blogger

Both my sons exam just completed and result of them just collected.  Zoey still doing well save for English and History..apart then these 2 subjects - he doing pretty well.  His class teacher was very disturbed with his achievement for English subject.  First time for Zoey collecting other then A. Hope his will buck up and go for other level for the term 3.

Zoe's Art teacher Ms Sabai has shown to me all Zoe's collection art work for primary 4. The highest grade is C.  He is very playful and always talking in class.  Same goes to Music result.  Ms Wong complained that Zoey is always busy talking during music lesson.  Might it sound easy for him....he got B for Music subject..upset right...

My second son report was totally contrast then his elder brother Zoey..very quite at school even teachers complained that they hardly hear any voice for my lovely Ryan.  His problem is Bahasa Malaysia..apart then that he is doing fine.  All subject for an assessment he scored A..bravo my son...

To both of my sons..try hard to be perfect..aim high and try all the best..Good luck my sons.

Azman Mohamed

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rumah di Taman Dagang Permai tak siap ubah suai

Dah hampir masuk bulan ke 6 - pengubahsuaian dijalankan ke atas rumah baru di Taman Dagang Permai, Ampang...dah jadi anti-klimiks pulak..ingatkan boleh masuk pada atau sebelum Tahun Baru dah menjangkau ke bulan April..rasanya hujung bulan ni boleh pindah masuk barang dan pertengahan bulan April 2011 boleh masuk..isyallah


Ryan 1st Assessment Result

Keputusan ujian penilaian pertengahan semester 1 untuk anak ku - Ryan telah keluar.  Semasa peperiksaan dijalankan, beberapa kali ku lihat,  Ryan termenung memikirkan beberapa soalan yang tidak dapat dijawab. Ryan mempunyai masalah memahami Bahasa Melayu.  Tahun ni Sain dan Matematik telah mengunakan Bahasa Melayu sepenuhnya..ingatkan masih dwibahasa.  Ryan telah mencuba menguasi Bahasa Melyu dengan segera tetapi pengaruh bahawa Inggeris amat kuat dalam dirinya..

Apabila keputusan keluar amat memeranjatkan - Bahasa Inggeris seperti dijangkan - markah penuh- manakala Sain dan matematik melebihi 90% hanya Bahasa Malaysia 88%.  Cubaan yang bagus anak ku..Daddy sayang Ryan..cuba lagi dan cubaan pertama mengajar bagaimana persedian yang betul dibuat, bagi peperiksaan akhir semester 1 akan datang.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Assessment Week 11/3/2011

Zoey telah selesai minggu "Assessment" bagi pertengahan penggal 2 darjah 4 bagi tahun akademik 2010/2011 - alhamdullilah kesemuanya dilalui dengan jaya dan mendapat markah yang amat baik. Purata 23/25. Tahniah Zoey.

Ryan masih lagi dalam minggu "assessment" kesian dia semalam bagi subjek Sain - kertas soalan adalah dalam Bahasa Malaysia.  Banyak perkataan Ryan tidak tahu maknanya dalam bahasa Inggeris contohnya tengahari, malam ini, manusia? ...Bagi subjek matematik juga Ryan menghadapi masalah dengan bahasa Melayu.  Aku berdua anak yang kusayangi ini dapat menguasai bahasa Melayu dengan cepat untuk mengelakkan masalah semasa peperiksaan semester 1 akan datang.  Daddy sayan Ryan dan Zoey...

Lawatan ke I-City

I-City telah wujud semenjak kami menetap di Bukit Jelutong Shah Alam tetapi tidak tergerak hati nak ke tempat tu. Sekarang dan mnenetap di Ampang, digahkan juga ke tempat tersebut semasa dalam perjalana balik daripada makan makanan laut di Muara, Pelabuhan Utara, Klang.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pesanan kepada anak-anak ku

Wahai anak-anak ku Zoey & Ryan!

Ketahui la kamu bahawa Daddy amat menyanyangi kami sepenuh hati. Pada hari ini, Zoey kamu sudah berumur 8 tahun 7 bulan, perangai kamu sudah semakin nakal, banyak keadaan kamu engkar arahan Daddy dan Mummy. Masa kamu lebih kepada Kamen Rider dan computer games sahaja.  Susah menyuruh kamu untuk membaca dan berlatih piano.  Mengaji Quran apatah lagi. Kamu seorang yang amat pintar tetapi jika kamu lalai dan leka dengan apa yg kamu hendak sahaja, kamu akan sesia kan kepandaian kamu.  Ingatlah, bayaran yuran persekolahan kamu amat mahal. Daddy berkorban wang dan ringgit untuk kamu. Berubahlah anak ku.

Ryan, kamu anak yang baik, handsome dan bijak.  Ingatlah, Daddy cuba berlaku adil atas kamu dengan menghantar kamu ke Stella Marris bukannya Sayfol.  Daddy kekurangan wang anak ku.  Daddy akan mencuba untuk memasukkan ke Sekolah abang apabila kamu meningakat ke sekolah menengah.  Daddy amat menyanyangi kamu. Jiwa Daddy ada kamu.

Luahan hati seorang bapa pada 15/1/2011

Selamat Pengantin Baru - Norazam Dato Sulaiman

Dear Norazam Dato Sulaiman

Wish you Selamat Pengantin Baru, hope this mirrage will last till last breath. Take care you lovely children and beautiful wife.